ATS YC 2025 - Believe His Prophets
Geistliches Rüstzentrum Krelingen
Name & Address


Daily visitors
At sabbath you can come for free. Daily visitors have to pay 100€ for the whole congress (Thursday + Sunday and Friday each 50€).
Bedsheets are not included in the prices. It is possible to rent these for an extra fee.
Comments (room accommodation, …)

Meals will always be vegetarian, and partially vegan. A full vegan option is unfortunately not available. Regrettably the kitchen cannot accommodate those with food allergies.
Convention help *
A convention always needs many helping hands. Please have a look at the list below and choose the areas that you have a preference to help in.

For those attendees who are under 18 years of age, a adult chaperone is needed to be able to attend the conference. The chaperone must be a registered participate for the conference and the parents of the minor must fill out the Declaration of Consent form and send it via email to . Please fill in the name of the chaperone in the space below.

The Adventist Theological Society (ATS) is an international, professional, nonprofit organization established as a theological resource for the Seventh-day Adventist Church founded by Adventist theologians in 1986 in the USA. ATS was founded with the purpose to encourage Biblical, theological and historical study that would support and further the message and mission of the Seventh-day Adventist church. For more information about ATS click on the link (http://www.atsjats.org, http://ats-info.de/membership.html German speaking website).
At home I visit or I'm a member of this local church: *

Let us know the number of needed flyers and the churches you can reach.

How did you hear about the event? *

Photography *
As the ATS Youth Congress 2025 is a unique event, it can be expected that many people, (including ATS YC volunteers) will seek to capture the moment through pictures and videos. Due to a high volume of people, we cannot offer to participants the guarantee of being exempt from the pictures/videos taken at any time during the conference. Pictures/videos taken by ATS YC, or other attendees, belong to those who took them, and can be used in the future for other purposes (e.g. www.ats-info.de and www.atsyouthcongress.de website).

Completion of the registration *
I understand that my registration is not complete before I have paid. Payment information will soon be sent through email.
