hoffnung weltweit - Bibelfreizeit
Waldpark Grünheide, Auerbach, Vogtland
Booking ends Jun 30
Name & Address

Arrival & Departure Day

Meals (vegan, 7,50 EUR per meal/adult)

Other intolerances


License plate number

I would like to be part of the orchestra and would be glad to receive music sheets for my instrument
What instrument do you play?

Donation for speaker costs

Optional entry - add amount to the participant price
Donation for socially disadvantaged participants

Optional entry - add amount to the participant price
Please give name, purpose and other relevant information on your booth

Please give name, purpose and other relevant information on your booth

Video recording *
By registering, the participant agrees that hoffnung weltweit e. V. may distribute and publish the pictures and video recordings taken during the event for illustrative purposes on the website of hoffnung weltweit e. V. and on social media.

Conditions *
